'Healthy food | haleem seed | saliya recipe | health tips | tamil | fire and ice Home remedies in tamil Nattumarundhu for PCOD and PCOS Back pain will gone easily Without exercise in this video I am going to share how to cook haleem seeds without bitter taste, haleem seeds as so many health benefits and nutrition iron and so many vitamins are there it\'s so healthy and tasty best remidie for back pain if you back severe back pain eat this haleem seeds for a month your back pain will go without any exercise haleem seeds has great immunity booster power it will help to boost our immunity against virus haleem it\'s one of the best home remedies for pcod and pcos haleem seeds call as saliya in tamil haleem seeds tamil name is saliya saliya has so many health benefits so try this delicious and healthy recipe at home #Nattumarundhu #haleemseedsbenefits #haleemseedsbenefitsintamil #rarehealthyfood #healthyfood #healthyfoodtamil #pcos #pcod #SALIYA #HALIMSEEDS #backpainhomeremidy #backpain #backpainintamil #homeremediesintamil #homeremidy #healthtipsintamil #fireandice #fireandicehealthtips In this video we will see how to cook saliya and the health benefits of saliya seeds. If you like this video please like share and subscribe to my channel for more such videos. Try this delicious mouth-watering yummy and healthy drink recipe at home Give your valuable feedback if u like this recipe don\'t forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE Follow us on Website https://fireandice2902.wixsite.com/website Insta https://instagram.com/fireandice29.02?igshid=4o1gtb8wipe7 Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Fire-and-Ice-103126051425605/9'
Tags: healthy , home remedies , PCOS , Healthy Foods , home remedy , pcod , haleem recipe , back pain relief , women health food , saliya , Haleem seed , Saliya recipe in tamil , saliya recipe , rare healhy recipe , healthy food for girls , Pcos home remedy , Pcod home remedy , Backpain home remedy , Nattu marunthu , haleem seeds benifits , haleem seeds tamil , haleem seeds benefits in tamil , saliya seed benefits in tamil , saliya seed in tamil , halim seeds benefits in tamil , halim seed , saliya vidhi
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